Top 4 Essential Vitamins for Women

To lead a happy and healthy life, you need to take the right kind of vitamins and minerals. However, today’s fast-paced life has thrown everything, especially eating habits, into chaos. The easiest and the most generic solution to this is consuming a balanced diet. But how do you know whether your diet is balanced? How to know which vitamins and minerals should you pop in?

The best way to maintain a well-balanced diet is by consuming supplementary multivitamin for women. So mentioned here is a list of best multivitamin for women to enhance the overall health and wellbeing of the body.


This group of antioxidants includes vitamin A, retinol, carotenoids, beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. The role of these antioxidants is to protect your body from free radicals, which can tear your cells apart. Furthermore, antioxidants can also slow down your aging process and boost the body’s immune system by powering up the body’s defense against germs.

Vitamin B

The most important set of B vitamins for the body include folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12. Vitamin B6 is essential to keep the brain working. It also improves the metabolism of the body. Vitamin B12 also helps the body make red blood cells apart from improving metabolism. Folate, also known as folic acid, helps to build a healthy spinal cord and brain. Furthermore, folate makes both DNA and RNA and prevents changes in the DNA that may cause cancer.

Vitamin D

Although it is called a vitamin, it principally works as a hormone. This vitamin is essential to have strong bones as it helps to move calcium and phosphorous into the bloodstream. So when your body does not get enough of these elements, it begins to absorb them from your bones. And over time, this process makes the bones thin, and they become prone to various conditions.

Vitamin K

An essential vitamin for old people, Vitamin not only keeps the bones strong but also prevents blood clotting in the body. The natural sources of vitamin K are leafy greens, broccoli, soybean oil, alfalfa, cooked spinach, and fish oil.

Ideally, all these vitamins should be consumed directly from their natural sources. But since that isn’t always possible, you can always buy supplements online to stay healthy and fit.


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