Common Sports Nutrition Supplements Every Athlete Needs

A healthy diet with a balanced nutrition palette, some exercise, and sound sleep provide sufficient energy to most people. 

However, athletes are different. They go through intensive training sessions and exercises that require them to push their physical limits. This calls for extra energy, which they get through supplements in the form of energy bars, drinks, powders, gels, and more. 

In this article, we list down the most common sports nutrition supplements that can help athletes power their performance. 


A well-researched supplement proven to be safe, creatine enjoys wide popularity among athletes involved in sports that require quick, intense, and powerful movements like weight lifting or football.

The supplement is known to improve muscle strength, lean muscle mass, lead to new muscle growth, and increase water content within muscles. Creatine is found in meat, poultry, and fish. It is also created by our bodies but stored in minimal amounts.

Natural supplements, especially for vegetarians and vegans, containing creatine monohydrate are considered safe and helpful. 


Terms like protein shakes and protein bars are commonly heard from gym-goers and athletes alike. 

Protein in the form of sports nutrition supplements is consumed by athletes within a 30-minute window after exercise. This promotes muscle growth, repair and helps build lean muscle tissue. 

Unlike an average person, those who take part in endurance and strength training require around 1.2g to 2g of protein. Out of the different types of proteins, whey, casein, and soy protein are popular as they are quickly absorbed by the body. 

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) 

A type of amino acids that are the building blocks of protein, BCAA powders, or tablets is taken by sportspeople to promote muscle growth. 

Typically, muscle breakdown occurs under stress. Then when the tissue repairs itself, it gets bigger and grows. Taking these sports nutrition supplements reduces muscle breakdown and provides energy to carry out intensive workouts. 


The supplement is taken to improve performance, especially for short bouts of exercises that require maximum effort. 

During high-intensity training, muscles consume a lot of lactic acids, which makes one burn. Beta-Alanine supplements, reduce the burn to help you keep going. 


While these were some, there is a range of sports supplements that help peak performance. Healthy Planet is your vitamin supplements store for all your healthy, natural nutrition supplement needs for sports training.


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