Top benefits of vitamin k2 and how it improves your health

However, this vitamin contributes a lot to your health. Vitamin K2 came across in late 1929 as a necessary nutrient for blood clotting. Initially, it was discovered in a German journal where its name was ‘coagulation vitamin’. Because it was so complicated to pronounce, it later was called a vitamin K2.
If you are not getting enough vitamin k2 then you can take vitamin k2 supplements.
There are two types of vitamin k:
1. Vitamin k also is known as phylloquinone that is found in plants and leafy vegetables
2. Vitamin K2 is also called menaquinone and is mostly found in animals and fermented foods.
What are the best benefits of vitamin K2
Calcium accumulated in the arteries of your heart poses a great risk of heart disease. It is believed that vitamin k2 is the most beneficial nutrient that helps to reduce the accumulation of calcium in the arteries which prevent the risk of heart disease.
According to a study, for the time span of 7 to 10 years, it was observed that people who consumed vitamin k2 were less likely to get the calcium accumulation near the heart and had around 57% lower risk of dying due to heart diseases.
2. Helps in improving bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis means porous bones which is a common health problem in individuals residing mostly in western countries. It typically affects older people especially old women and enhances the chances of getting a bone fracture. As the main mineral found in your bone and teeth, vitamin k2 plays an essential role in the metabolism of calcium. Vitamin k2 helps in turning on the calcium-binding actions of two proteins i.e matrix GLA and osteocalcin proteins that are known for building stronger bones.
3. It helps to fight against cancer
Cancer is the most common death reason in most countries. Several studies have been conducted by experts on vitamin k2 and cancer. According to some studies, it was seen that vitamin k2 reduces the chances of liver cancer. You can even buy its supplement in the nearest vitamin supplement store.
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